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Inteview with Tehos


Why did you choose the art to express yourself ?

It is a natural way to express my thoughts and feelings. The field is wider for me with speech, limited by the words , some emotions are conveyed more easily with pictures, with a vision.

Since when do you paint ?

Since forever , but at age 40 I decided to completely stop my work for me full time basis , I do not want to risk finding myself at the end of my life , telling me that I had missed something ' important.

This is a difficult decision because there is no way back , a risk I had to take .

What are your inspirations in your directions and paint in your art in general?

First and intuitively I had the need to express something inside, which is reflected in my work until 2007, then the news has taken over , I wanted to talk about what is happening around me and the exhibition " American Dream" I could express . I also continued on most of my paintings to express the facts of society that affect me .

Why did you choose to treat the subject with the paper , and why did you choose at this time a pop art orientation ?

I start using the paper to my work , in 2007 , in fact, at this time , I was no longer able to finance my colors , so I used the newspapers to my paintings. There was also a form of recycling that was not uninteresting. The success was immediate.

Pop art on orientation? , This is not quite the case, I would say that it is rather a post- pop art, he had something to do with the news exacerbated by the economic problems of our time . I thought the pop art was the best way to allude , destroy everything, as something obsolete is like mean the end of an era , pop art is used here , torn, sanded, c is an allusion to a bygone period .

It is especially important to read the newspaper articles in each table are the ones who give meaning to the work, there is a primary aesthetic envelope , but the message is revealed by a more detailed reading of the painting, the work then takes another dimension .

How you're arrived at the Walls?

In 2010 I naturally sought to work on the symbolic walls, those around us, protecting us, but especially those that impede our freedoms, it was a logical extension, this is how the graffiti came into my work, but I treat it with shredded paper. The wall is a symbol so strong and vast that I'm still not out. There was at the beginning of this work that crude walls, in 2011 became the first character, a man with a hat, I wanted it symbolizes that creates the wall, sometimes this character is facing its own wall sometimes he turns his back, with a background in still subject close to my heart, which affects the news or impediments to freedom, something that touched me.

I then looked for other positions, a series has thus formed over time for each stage of life, until old age in 2013, with that old man with the cane. I'm not looking for technical achievement in those black silhouettes, but the silhouette just as sober as possible, the one that really gives off a real emotion.

You also worked on digital works and why this approach about kinetic art ?

The first time I was really confronted with digital art, it was at an event organized in 2009 it was a demonstration duplex on Second Life , with vidjing (mixing video) and music , I was immediately captivated by the impact of this work.

I began to study and become familiar with Second Life , and more generally with digital art . I discovered that I could use it as a medium and as a source of inspiration for a new direction in my work. Some videos I made are visible on this link

After a few months , I created the movie" Suspensions Immersives " , in collaboration with the studio IFK Design , as I have explained several times on different events, it is a digital movie , some taking views are transformed into works of art .

Over time I became interested in real 3D tools more sophisticated than Second Life , this is how I created the project and installation of sculptures on " Kinetics Trees " , which won the Jury Prize IAA UNESCO in December 2011. Then the proposed sculpture " Bubbles in the Vortex ." These new media ( it is for me to mediums as well as painting ) are very inspiring and open doors to unexplored artist and art in general.


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